Saturday, October 05, 2002


Pleasing! David Horowitz has just published my article called �Leftism and the Post-Religious Churches� in his Front Page magazine. Since he gets 3 million page hits a month that should end up sending a few more readers to this blog. I have had a request (gladly granted) to reproduce the article on a Greek Orthodox website too!

A similar article to mine
can be found on the site of fellow blogger �Bad Eagle�. It�s a good read and briefer too! Its author, Dr David Yeagley, is proudly of �Red Indian� descent.

My article has produced quite a flurry of comments from Front Page readers and my own religious attitudes and loyalties have been the target of various erroneous assumptions and accusations. So for the record let me say that I am an atheist of long standing with a wildly evangelical Protestant early history who sends his son to a Catholic school and still finds inspiration in the Gospel of St Matthew. Beat that!

One comment from a reader that I really liked:
One thing I have noticed is how the Left really worships secularism and simply co-opts religious doctrine. Think how the Left "ex-communicates" anyone who doesn't follow the party line or refuses to kneel in obeisance to their "litany".


JOKE (From one of my correspondents):

Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac who stayed up all night wondering if there really is a dog?



Interesting thoughts from one of my correspondents:
1. If all men were really equal that would rule out most government as we know it.
2. Confidence in government is based on faith: we have to have faith that the politicians and bureaucrats know better, and are more wise, enlightened, and educated than the rest of us.



The amazing facts department:
So we all know that those wicked old US Southerners of the �Jim Crow� era used to go around lynching any blacks who got �uppity� don�t we? The history of the matter is amazingly different. Lynching was a primitive way of dealing with crime and during the period concerned there were not only 3,445 blacks lynched but also 1,297 whites lynched! That�s the history of it. Only 72% of lynchings were of blacks, which is about the proportion of all crimes committed by US blacks today. Lynching actually seems to have been FAIR! That�s one for Southerners to shoot back at their Northern critics! �To kill a mockingbird� is a great and famous novel but it should not be relied on as history.

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