Cultures that tend choose male babies over female babies could be unknowingly contributing to the destabilization of their society, according to a new study by researchers in England and China. The researchers say their study suggests men who find themselves without marriage prospects are more likely to turn toward antisocial behavior, like crime and terrorism.
The researchers report in parts of China and India there will be 12-percent to 15-percent more men than women over the next 20 years. "These men will remain single and will be unable to have families, in societies where marriage is regarded as virtually universal and social status and acceptance depend, in large part, on being married and creating a new family," write the authors.
The men who are not able to marry are more likely to be poorer and less educated than men who are able to find a wife, according to the researchers. "When there is a shortage of women in the marriage market, the women can marry up, inevitably leaving the least desirable men with no marriage prospects," they write. With no family or outlet for sexual energy, these men could be part of trend toward increased levels of antisocial behavior and violence.
A positive outcome of an unbalanced society could be the raised social status of women, suggest the researchers. The researchers propose measures to reduce sex selection, equal rights for women, and public awareness campaigns about the dangers of gender imbalance.
The same applies of course to Islamic countries -- where poorer men are deprived of women not by infanticide but by polygamy.

Wal-Mart leads the way: "After mammoth retailer Wal-Mart announced plans this week to drop many generic drug prices to the cost of a cheeseburger, everyone it seems took note. From small independent pharmacists to big brand-name retail chains to individuals with mounting prescription drug bills, Wal-Mart's announcement that it's cutting prices of nearly 300 generic medications to as little as $4 for a 30-day supply has created quite a buzz. And it's already having an impact. Target announced Friday it will copy Wal-Mart's plan to sell $4 generics -- a move that experts say is likely to create a completely new and cheaper price structure for America's off-brand medicines."
UK: Courts set to admit wiretap evidence: "The attorney general has thrown his weight decisively behind the use of intercept evidence in court, making it highly likely that the ban on phonetap evidence will be lifted. Speaking out for the first time in favour of the move, Lord Goldsmith told the Guardian he was determined to find a way round the obstacles which now stop wiretap evidence going before a jury. 'I'm personally convinced we have to find a way of avoiding the difficulties,' he said. 'I do believe there are ways we can do that. Otherwise, we're depriving ourselves of a key tool to prosecute serious and organised crime and terrorism.'"
Sweden has learned from its own lesson: "The summary of Swedish success and failure is a story of markets against the state. Every time Sweden has taken a step towards freer markets, it has been very successful. And every time it has increased the size and power of the state, success has sooner or later faded away."
More of that great government "security": "Two teenage car thieves drove a stolen car on Wednesday without being stopped onto the US military base that commands much of the war on terror, triggering an investigation into the security breach, police and military officials said. Police in Tampa, Florida, said the joyriders were only stopped and arrested after ramming two police cruisers that had entered MacDill Air Force Base in pursuit. ... There was nothing at the gate preventing entry to MacDill, which houses the US Central Command, responsible for US military operations in the Horn of Africa, Middle East and Central Asia and therefore for much of the US war on terror. Public affairs spokesman Air Force Lt Larry van der Oord declined to discuss specific security measures in force at the gate but said an investigation had been launched."
The games bureaucrats play: "When a bureaucrat makes a comment that defies logic, like the following, it may mean something's up: It is misleading to imply that the commission could be the cause of delays. It is not up to us to tell Microsoft what it has to do to Vista. The onus is on Microsoft to design its product in conformity with European competition laws. The words are those of a spokesman for the EU, who is referring to a comment from someone at Microsoft to the effect that uncertainty over how the EU will act is making it hard for the company to make some critical decisions on how to design its new operating system, Windows Vista."
NY: 25 to life in race killing: "A homeless man was sentenced Monday to 25 years to life in prison for knifing a woman to death in a mall parking garage because she was white. ... [Phillip] Grant, 44, who is black, was convicted in July of murder as a hate crime in the killing of Concetta Russo-Carriero, a 56-year-old legal secretary. She was stabbed twice in the heart in June 2005 in the parking garage of the Galleria mall in downtown White Plains."
Kin's documentary seeks to reclaim Goldwater ideals: "CC Goldwater didn't want to send an overt political message with the documentary she produced on her grandfather, Barry Goldwater, but the message still comes through. Most of the Republicans who invoke Goldwater's name are frauds. Barry Goldwater became a national figure when he ran for president in 1964 and an icon after the conservative movement was reborn with Ronald Reagan's two terms in the 1980s. But as his name became popular, much of his philosophy was lost. That's the mistake his granddaughter tries to correct with Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater.
"Peak oil" or lots more oil?: "In May 2006 I wrote, 'I know about the 'Peak Oil' theory that says we either have or are about the reach the point of diminishing returns regarding the world's oil supply, but these recent discoveries suggest there is still plenty of oil to be found.' In that commentary I documented nearly a dozen new fields of oil and natural gas discovered since 1995. So I wasn't surprised when, on September 5, Chevron Corporation announced it had discovered new, huge reserves of oil some five miles below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. The initial estimates were that these reserves 'could boost U.S. oil reserves by 50 percent.'"
"All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State." -- 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel is the most influential philosopher of the Left -- inspiring Karl Marx, the American "Progressives" of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)
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