Radical Islamic conference at university
Comments on Ed O'loughlin
Investigate the tunnel fiasco
Why I love Australia
Israel admitted to Red Cross
Spreading Hate, Destruction & Terrorism
The Middle East: The war of images
This time the crocodile won't wait
The Palestinian disease: Who Is to Blame for Grief on a Gaza Beach
Summary Report on Human Rights Watch
The seductive beat of the militant, Islamic drum
Summary of IDF investigation of incident on the Gaza beach
About the ABC's "expert"
Uncertainty shrouds Gaza beach tragedy
As Islamists Grow Confident, It's Time for the West To Stand
Come to Londonistan, our refuge for poor misunderstood Islam

Martin Frost on Why liberals must lead War on Terror: "And now along comes Peter Beinart's new book, "The Good Fight - Why Liberals - and only Liberals - Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again." Beinart, a young, articulate editor and writer for the New Republic, has explained in great detail why liberals who adhere to their traditional pro-defense position can successfully lead our country in the war against terror. It's something I have been thinking about for a long time..... liberals should be at the forefront of the fight against terrorists like Usama bin Laden-- just as liberals fought communists for control of American labor unions in the 1940's, and just as liberals kept communism out of western Europe following World War II. We truly live in a dangerous world and the United States should lead the way in ridding the world of Al Qaeda. To accomplish this, liberals should support a strong U.S. military and significant funding for homeland security. Many traditional liberals, both in Congress and in the general public, have done just that.
Oil prices artificially high due to lack of economic freedom: "While the world has enough proven and unproven reserves of oil to meet demand for the next 100 years, much of it lies under countries with economies that do not provide market incentives to encourage production, according to a new report by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA),. The report also points out that the lack of incentives increases the importance of tapping resources in countries with free economies, such as Canada and the United States. "We have the oil to fuel our future energy needs," noted NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, who authored the report. "Unfortunately, a lot of it is artificially out of reach due to a lack of economic freedom in the Middle East and South America, or a hyper-sensitivity to environmental activists in the U.S."
Kudlow: Surprise drop in oil price?: "The Energy Department just announced that crude oil supplies rose 1.4 million barrels to 347.1 million for the week ended June 16. Analysts had been expecting a drawdown, so this news caught them by surprise. More, crude oil supplies in the U.S. are now at their highest levels since May 1998, when oil was trading around $15 a barrel. Add in the fact that Canadian oil inventories are fully stocked, and the more imminent reality is of a sizable oil-price decrease - not a huge increase. Recently I interviewed four oil-tanker executives who control a combined 85 percent of the oil coming into the United States. They confirmed market rumors that the amount of oil being stored on large carriers on the high seas is abnormally high. One of the CEOs even predicted the possibility of $40 to $50 oil in the next 6 to 12 months"
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE HOMELESS? "We haven't heard much--anything, really--about the homeless since, oh, roughly January 20, 1993," Andrew Ferguson noted in January 2001, predicting that with Bush replacing Clinton, the media would soon rediscover them. As if on cue, days later the Washington Post ran a 2,000-word opus on the plight of the homeless in the nation's capital. But does the reverse hold? If the Bush administration makes progress on homelessness, does it make news? The answer, all too predictably, is no. At a remarkably underreported conference in Denver in May, advocates for the homeless met to discuss a pattern of falling homeless populations across the country. In the past six months, New York has announced a reduction of 13 percent, Denver 11 percent, Portland 20 percent, Miami 30 percent, Philadelphia 50 percent. The story merited squibs in the Denver Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Rocky Mountain News. The New York Times ran a page 19 story almost a month later. Beyond that, silence."
Vatican firm on homosexual marriage: "A Vatican authority on family values spelled out the Roman Catholic Church's uncompromising opposition to same-sex marriages in a newspaper interview published today as a Catholic meeting on the family began in Spain, where such unions are legal. "There are not several models (for marriage), there is only one, which comes from God and is irreplaceable," the Colombian Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, organiser of the fifth Catholic World Meeting of Families, said. "Marriage is not a project of parliament or institutions, which are here today and gone tomorrow," said Mr Trujillo, who is also president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family.
Good news: "David Cameron is to lead a campaign to bar MPs with Scottish seats from voting on English legislation in an attempt to thwart Gordon Brown's ambitions of becoming Prime Minister. The Conservatives are preparing to back a constitutional change that would stop Mr Brown from taking part in votes on Bills relating to English schools, hospitals and a host of other policies. MPs with Scottish constituencies can no longer vote on legislation for such policies in Scotland as, since 1998, these have been the responsibility of the Scottish Parliament"
"All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State." -- 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel is the most influential philosopher of the Left -- inspiring Karl Marx, the American "Progressives" of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)
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