Thursday, April 22, 2004


How a Murdoch reporter twisted the news about the 9/11 commission Rodney Dalton, New York correspondent for Rupert Murdoch's 'Australian' is walking proof of how dishonest the mainstream media has become, especially with respect to the Bush administration.
Bunny Champers meets Al Franken for the Bunny and Al show Bunny Champers meets Al Franken to join Air America. Unfortunately for Franken, and his Hollywood weirdoes, he didn't know what Bunny meant by liberal.
Clinton's media outing to China and the media's harassment of Bush Watching America's leftwing media hound President Bush reminded me of their simpering treatment of the Clintons. I recall in particular when the Clintons returned in triumph to Washington from China.
How Rupert Murdoch's Australian carrion leapt on Linda Chavez Some readers think I've been too harsh on our heroic journalists, particularly Roy Eccleston. If only that were so.
Free trade does not lower wages or cause persistent unemployment There is nothing new in the current hullabaloo about free trade, jobs, and trade deficits. Senator Kerry, please note.

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This story about a troop of baboons showed that if you remove all the aggressive, dominant males, everybody remaining has a more peaceful life. Trying to apply that to humans would be a laugh though. Look at all the fuss caused by knocking out just ONE aggressive and dominant male -- Saddam Hussein! Not to mention Herr A. Hitler. Keith Burgess-Jackson worries that such findings may cause feminists to engage in selective breeding designed to produce less aggressive males. He shouldn't worry too much. It is the dominant males that most normal women tend to like best! "Bastards" the women call them but they still find it hard to resist such men. Wimps don't get far with women. Even quite feminist heterosexual women are attracted to a dominant male. I know. There will always be plenty of babies sired by dominant men. And feminist women are often themseves dominant and aggressive and some of them do have sons -- as my mother did. And guess what sort of sons they tend to produce? Complex creatures, these human beings -- as conservatives have always said.



Despite all the detail in THAT film, there is still little evidence outside the New Testament about the events of Jesus's life and death -- as is pointed out here and here. But so what? Even from an atheist viewpoint, what the critics overlook is that the New Testament is a COLLECTION -- made very early on -- of quite different documents by different authors on the subject. And to have all four histories (Gospels) plus the Pauline epistles telling much the same story -- despite differences of detail -- is in fact remarkably good evidence that events pretty much like what was described did in fact happen. Of course to Christians faith fills any gaps. But exactly the same goes for the Left. Their faith is that the early documents, the traditional Christians and 2,000 years of belief are wrong. Most Leftist intellectuals (such as the post-modernists) explicitly reject the quest for hard evidence in any event. To them traditional Christians beliefs are just examples of argument from authority and blindly following a historical consensus. But recent fashions and modern elite opinions are authoritative, of course!

Socialized medicine again: Patients have to wait so long to see a doctor in Queensland public hospitals that they get aggressive towards any hospital staff that they DO see. So what is the government going to do about it? Hire more doctors? No way! They are going to spend more money on security to keep the patients away from the staff! What would a business do if it had a similar upsurge of customers?

Good for the French!: "An Algerian-born imam who said wife-beating was justified in cases of adultery, was expelled from France yesterday... The Interior Ministry said: "The Government cannot tolerate words contrary to human rights, detrimental to human dignity and in particular to the dignity of women." " More Western countries should follow suit.

Sudan is in flames: No Leftist outrage of course. The imperialists there are Muslim Arabs. See also here

Dick McDonald has got a lot of good postings up -- most of which I could have written myself.

My recipe for today is another fried chicken recipe from Thailand. This is an easy one. See here or here.

For more postings, see GREENIE WATCH and POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH. Mirror sites here and here


The Left have always wanted more spent on welfare and made "Fascism" a swear-word. President Bush deposed a brutal Fascist dictator and sponsored a big expansion of welfare. But instead of being admired by the Left, he is hated with a passion. What does that tell you about the Left? It tells you that they have no principles at all: That everything they have ever claimed to stand for is fake.

All politicians seek power but conservatives bring some principles with them. Leftists bring only their hate-filled Stalinist hearts and their pretend compassion

Comments? Email me here or here. If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


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