Tuesday, November 05, 2002


Is nothing sacred? I always thought that the Red Cross was an impeccable humanitarian organization. I had no idea of its antisemitic bias but Arlene Peck lays it all out here. Please read it.

OK. I understand about the Red Cross in WWII. The Red Cross is headquartered in Switzerland and Switzerland had a very frightening neighbour at that time so Swiss pandering to Nazism could be understood. But they are still at it today! I will never again donate anything to the Red Cross.



I now have two articles on my �Other� website about the recent British ban on foxhunting: One written by an Australian and one written by an American! See here and here. My �other� website is where I post a few articles written by people other than myself that I would not like to see disappear from sight.

In my view, the British ban on foxhunting was just another example of hate-filled Leftism at work but the two articles I have posted have a broader perspective on it.



Saddam grew up as a cadre in the highly ideological and dogmatic Baath party structure. His speeches, from the time he entered government in 1968 until today, have had a consistent ideological, pseudo-intellectual character, even if in the past decade a layer of Islamist rhetoric has been added. From his first declarations to his last, he has always presented the Arabs as the master race, whose history and accomplishments are glorious. He has always had a mystical belief in self-purification through violence, the notion that the soul is elevated through warfare and killing.

And who created Saddam�s Baath Party? One Michel Aflaq:

MICHEL AFLAQ was born in Damascus in 1910, a Greek Orthodox Christian. He won a scholarship to study philosophy at the Sorbonne sometime between 1928 and 1930 (biographies differ), and there he studied Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Mazzini, and a range of German nationalists and proto-Nazis. Aflaq became active in Arab student politics with his countryman Salah Bitar, a Sunni Muslim. Together, they were thrilled by the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, but they also came to admire the organizational structure Lenin had created within the Russian Communist party.

Excerpts from The Weekly Standard. And -- need we add? -- Saddam hates Jews too. Europe of the 1930s lives on in the Arab world. Except that Saddam himself says that Hitler was �too mild�!

Ever since World War II the Western Left have all claimed to regard Fascism and Nazism as evil incarnate yet they somehow do not want us to touch Saddam. How curious! It does rather support the point I have often made about the historical affinity between Fascism and modern Western Leftism. Is the Left rediscovering its old prewar enthusiasms (which included antisemitism)? Has the �dog returned to its vomit�, as the Bible puts it?



In response to my post yesterday about the similarities between Roman Catholicism and Leftism, a correspondent pointed me to the idea that the Left�s �Third Way� (exemplified in Britain�s Tony Blair) is in fact an old Catholic idea stemming from the famous pro-labour encyclical �De rerum novarum� of Pope Leo XIII in 1891. There is an interesting link from a Leftist source about the history of it here.

Famous though it is, many people will not know what �De Rerum Novarum� says. It rejects Marxism but justifies intervention by the State on behalf of the workers and proposes that the best solution for working-class poverty would be some sort of combined action of the Church, the State, the employer and the employed. Such �corporatist� solutions were of course put faithfully into practice by various good Catholic sons -- such as Italy�s Benito Mussolini, Spain�s General Franco and Portugal�s Antonio Salazar.

Tony Blair is an Anglican so he is more moderate and democratic than Mussolini or Franco but he too rejects the old Marxist nostrum of having government run industry while at the same time still using the power of the State to redistribute wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not. So the British Left�s �Third way� and the current �American way� are now just about identical. Roman Catholicism is, after all, America�s biggest religious denomination. And a majority of them probably still vote Democrat.


Comments? Email me: jonjayray@hotmail.com.
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